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How It Works


We know how many hours can go into researching each option when making a big decision. Our team of researchers has done the legwork to compare providers so you can confidently make a decision, having a complete picture of the pros and cons of each option.

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We analyzed more than 5,000 reviews to make sure we take into account a full range of experiences for each company we rate. Our numerical ratings are a result of our objective analysis, while our star ratings reflect an average of customer ratings found on other sites.


One size does not fit all, so we want to arm you with the information you need to make a decision that's right for your specific needs.

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Densie H.
Austin, TX

"I tried searching on Google and just got overwhelmed. I don't feel like I have time to do all the necessary research. Next Web Guide made it so easy to compare companies and saved me hours of digging."

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John P.
Virginia Beach, VA

"Navigating the insurance market on my own was tiring and frustrating. This made it easy to sort through my options."

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Janet K.
Denver, CO

"Next Web Guide helped me choose the best Medicare supplemental insurance for me. I feel more confident than ever in the plan I chose."